Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Almost time!

I can't believe my youngest is going to be 1 in less than 8 weeks! I can't believe we will be in VA in 5-6 months. Crazy how time flies.
I just wanted to post a thank you to my family and friends for helping me pursue my obsession w/ photography. All of you are the best for being my victims, I mean, willing subjects to practice on. Hopefully all this practice will pay off one day....

My youngest lovie. He just melts my heart.




Anonymous January 14, 2010 at 5:54 AM  

Another stunning piece of work by Trisha. The pictures are great and Nolan is so Gorgeous.

Watch out VA, here comes Trisha and her camera:) Better make an appointment with you when you first move, because once everyone sees your talent and work, I'll never be able to get a session with you:)

Can't believe he's going to be 1. Maybe time for another one??????


Jennifer O. January 17, 2010 at 2:20 PM  

Those are gorgeous! I need one of those pacifiers!

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